
Summer is almost here!

Hola a todos, sé que me ausentado por mucho tiempo en el blog, sin embargo ha sido por buenas razones. Comencé otra carrera, fui de viaje e inicié un pequeño proyecto de ilustración; honestamente con todas estas cosas el tiempo que me queda para postear es escaso. No obstante, acá les dejo una nueva publicación para un look de verano.

Hello everyone, I know I've been absent for long in the blog, however it has been for good reason. I started another career, I went on a trip and started a small project of illustration; honestly with all these things the time that I have to posting is scarce. However, here I leave a new publication for summer look.

Este look es totalmente fresco y de colores vibrantes, y aunque no se amolda a las tendencias de esta temporada, es perfecto para un caluroso día de verano. Además, este atuendo se ajusta al término low-cost y hippie chic, los shorts son un DIY, y la blusa de estilo oriental la robé del armario de mi madre. 

This look is totally fresh and has vibrant colors, and although it doesn't conform to the trends of this season, is perfect for a hot summer day. In addition, this outfit fix into the low-cost term also hippie chic. Shorts are DIY, and the oriental-style blouse I stolet it from my mom's closet.

Blusa/Shirt: Vintage
Shorts: DIY
Gafas/Glasses: Balú
Sandalias/sandals: Blanco

Xx, love u all

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